Just want to wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! May you all have happiness and health in the new year to come.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
The Winner Is...& Christmas Swap With Misi From 1890 Gable House
My fantastic swap with Misi from1890 Gable House: http://1890gablehousemusings.blogspot.com/
Misi and I decided to do a private Christmas swap since we both love this time of year. I can tell you she spoiled me rotten. I can't believe all the goodies she sent. The box was filled to the brim with fantastic eye candy. I had to take two photos so you could see all that she sent. Don't you just love the Santa's, snowman, and the gingerbread man (he just cracks me up...love his expression...LOL).
Look at all the ornaments for our Christmas trees and the fantastic patterns. If you look real close at the top elf you'll see our sweet Silas' face...what a treasure that is. In fact Silas looks at it and says YOU.... which he means me...LOL. :0)
Here is how I decorated with what Misi gave me...such treasures each and every one. The Santa she gave me is from Kimberly "The Red Cupboard"....you all know how I have a addiction to her creations. He sits with one of the Santa's I made.
The funny.... way to cute gingerbread man is hanging out with my Jackie Melerski bear and one of my reindeer. Misi told me that Traci from York Mountain Primitives created him (plus the snowman, Mr. Claus & Mrs Claus ornaments). I really love Traci's creations too. I have to say that's all Misi's fault....she gave me one of Traci's black cats in our last swap and it was love at first sight. :0)
Love this sweet faced Santa too.... he's got an old soul kinda of face.
My bear seems to keep collection snowmen LOL.... I guess I could call him the snow folk keeper this year. The thing is I couldn't really fit them all on his lap anyway. I'm sure he makes these trouble makers mind. :0) I think the one Misi gave me is a little afraid my bear might mistake him for that gingerbread man. He's heard that the bear likes cookies...LOL. :0)
Here is my prim tree in our dining room...I added all the wonderful log cabin houses Misi made to it along with the Mr.& Mrs. Claus ornament she sent. They really look great with the other ornies on it.
This is our fireplace in the family room....I have threatened for years to find and old mantel or to make one of my own...but I still haven't done it. I hate the color of it.... I want it to be old distressed white or black wood. One day I will have my dream fireplace but until then....I look at what's on it and not at it....LOL. The little Elves Misi sent hang from the Christmas garland my mother tatted for me last Christmas. My doll to the left holds Misi's handmade ornament in her left hand (it's like Misi made it for her)....while the other sits in front of a brown glazed jug. Since we are in this room for most of the day I get to enjoy these treasures for many hours out of my day. I want to thank Misi for her thoughtful and generous heart!!!!! I am happy to call her friend and I can only hope that what I sent her makes her as happy as I am with the things she sent me. Please go over and visit Misi's blog if you haven't all ready (she's posted a lot of the pieces I made her in her Merriement chain). I can't tell you how wonderful her boxes, ornaments, candles, and other creations are. I think they're the best and I'm not just saying that. Thanks again Misi for making Christmas come early this year!!! :0) *********************************************************************************
Just a few more Christmas decorations to share with you.
My mice from Pam Gracia "Soft In the Head"...along with another deer I made. Most of the deer are Christmas gifts for my family and friends that's why I have so many...LOL. :0)
My sweet kitties in their basket... along with a few candy canes and a Santa.
Nothing like winter kisses to keep you warm... or at least that's what my Pat Murphy bears think.
Last I decided to put my fantastic snowman that Wendy gave me under our tree in the family room....along with two Santa's I made. Now the one on the right I've had since 1997....he was the first Santa I ever made. I didn't know about coffee staining then and my good friend and quilt teacher Anne convinced me if I could quilt I could make dolls. I remember having such a hard time making him....and being so happy when I finished him. He may not be old looking (which I've debated about staining him) but he does have a part of my heart. :0)
Okay my friends.... I should let you go...thank you for stopping in and for reading about my wonderful swap with Misi. Congratulations again to Karen! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!!! May you all be blessed with happiness and health.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Christmas Giveaway and My Gingerbread swap with Ravenwood Whimzies
Now on to my wonderful swap with Wendy from Ravenwood Whimzies. Wendy and I both joined in Amy's (Bumble Bee Lane Cottage) Gingerbread Swap. Below is a photo of all the lovely things she sent me.
See the fantastic snowman...last year Wendy made one of these cuties for herself and I fell in love with him....so when we got paired up to do this swap I asked her if she'd make me one. I was so surprised to get this fabulous fellow. Thank you so much Wendy!!! Now you'd think that was all right.... oh....no...she spoiled me rotten!!! Just look at all the goodies she sent.... in the Christmas box in front of the snowman is the most incredible toffee...I had not one but four pieces today. I have a wicked sweet tooth...LOL. The cute Christmas tree ornament is already hanging on our tree. Below you'll see where I placed some of her other lovely creations.
Check out the Santa pillow...he looks so nice on our wooden bench (in our sitting room) with my other Christmas goodies.
The wonderfully aged Christmas book Wendy made looks wonderful with the snowman my sister made me several years ago. The little penguin was something I made back in the mid 90's...every year my mother, sisters, and I all pick a Christmas craft project to do while we're all together and he was one of them.
Here is our buffet in the dining room...it changes with the seasons. I put Wendy's cute snowman there with some of my other Christmas goodies. The buffet is still a work in progress...I'm sure I'll move things around a few more times before it's just right. Plus my doll seller needs her candy canes and tinsel still.
I decided the snowman I made a few years back (from a Soft In The Head pattern) needed some company...and I think the gingerbread man looks great with him. I must say the gingerbread man smells heavenly too.
I know this isn't the best photo but I wanted to show you all the Santa Wendy made me last year with the sweet door hanger she sent this year. They're on the door in the dining room heading into kitchen which is in the center of the house. If you haven't been to Wendy's blog or her Etsy shop you must go see her other creations. Not only is she talented but she's one of the sweetest gals you'll ever meet too.
Wendy's blog: http://ravenwoodwhimzies.blogspot.com/
Wendy's Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/RavenwoodWhimzies
Thank you Wendy for another fantastic swap!!! I also want to thank Amy for hosting the swap. :0)
Lastly I want to show you all my find. Isn't she a beauty!!! Looking at the inside and the bottom of the pitcher she looks to be an old piece too. I found this lovely pottery pitcher on Etsy for $14.50. Sure it cost me almost the same to have it shipped safely but man she was worth every penny. The brown and blue glaze is divine with it's simple design. Plus my feather tree fits in it perfectly....that wasn't even the plan but you know it just worked out that way.
Okay... my sweet friends I should go...I'm sure you're tired of reading my babble...LOL. Don't forget to sign up for my giveaway and to check out Wendy's blog so you can see what I sent her. I hope this post finds you all happy and healthy.... until next time. :0)
Monday, November 26, 2012
OLM Ornie Swap
Greetings friends.... I sure hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Ours was a quiet one with hubby, Silas, Aunt Holly, and I. It was just as well really since poor Silas came down with his first ear infection and hubby came home from a business trip with a head cold. I'm sure you all have guessed by now that I didn't escape the germs....oh...no...I have a head cold and then some so I thank my two lovely boys for sharing...LOL. It seems like the month of November came and went with in seconds. Every weekend has been so busy that I haven't even had time for a hair cut which I sorely need. Anyway more about what's been keeping me so busy in a little bit.
I just have to show you another wonderful set of ornies I received. A little while back OLM http://primitivesbyoldeladymorgan.blogspot.com/ did a ornament swap that I participated in. The above photo are of the lovely ornaments I received...I forgot to take photos of what I sent (I know I'm bad). Starting with the top and going clockwise... Lovely prairie doll and sweet little stocking by Tam @ http://aprimitiveplace.blogspot.com/, The cutest reindeer I ever did see by Becky @ http://primitivesnstitchin.blogspot.com/, A tasty looking gingerbread man from Allison @ http://sewmanygirls.blogspot.com/, and last another yummy looking gingerbread man from Cindi @
http://www.cindiscountrycorner.blogspot.com/. If you haven't seen these gals blogs please go check them out.... all of them are so very talented and I feel honored to have their ornies on my tree for many years to come.
This year we did things a little different in the Meloon house... every year I drag out the tree and all the decorations while hubby watches football (I decorate it by myself too). I usually put the tree up in mid December and enjoy it until mid January. Well this year since turkey day was going to be a quiet one I talked my best gal Holly into helping me and Silas decorate our tree. It was fun to see Silas get so excited about hanging ornaments on the tree....after all it is his first time doing it. Well he put them on all backwards...which was cute but Aunt Holly was there to help him get it right. I think they both had a ball. :0)
Here are a few close-up shots of the tree so you can see some of the lovely ornaments...you'll see all the new ones from the OLM swap and even some from Amy's swap (they're all on the tree believe me it's a big one...plus I love them all).
Isn't my tree topper just the sweetest...it makes me think of Santa's misfit toys for some reason. It was created by the lovely and sweetest gal you'll ever meet Sandy Melerski. You can find her daughter's blog on my side panel to the left (just tell Jackie I sent ya).
Here are a few of my Santas....the one on the left and right are by Tricky Stitches Primitives http://trickystitchesprimitives.blogspot.com/ and the one in the center is a Stein's Country Collection http://www.steinscountrycollection.com/.
My sweet and only Limerick bear http://www.limerickbear.com/index2.html with my cute Carol Stuck Santa. Carol gave him to me in a swap this summer. Here is Carol's blog http://buttermilkcreekfarm.blogspot.com/ if you would like to see more of her creations.
My big Wanda Carson bear http://www.carsoncreations.net/ with his snowman from Jodi Parkes -Fat Hen Farm (on left) and my sweet marshmallow boy by Kimberly @ http://theredcupboardpost.blogspot.com/ (on right).
More of Kimberly's dolls....my set of snow folks. They stay out all year I don't have the heart to pack them away. I have a Christmas corner... where my treasures stay out all year. Hubby says he's good with it as long as it doesn't start expanding...LOL....good luck with that hubby. :0)
More goodies from Kimberly....I know I have a problem....LOL!
Last are a few of my Pat Murphy bears http://murphybears.blogspot.com/. I was lucky enough to see Pat last week at a very small show in West Virgina. It was so good to see her...it's been a few years so it was good to catch up on what's been happening in our lives. Did I take photos....of course not....did I take photos of the Hunt valley bear show the week before....no....okay one. What can I say I forget about my camera...it's all about living in the now.
Well... I'm sure you're all thinking... look at all the links.... what the....well I believe in sharing what you love. :0)
Okay...I must be off...hopefully the next time I'll be able to post about a swap, a few good finds, and about a few projects I've been working on. I hope this post finds you all happy and healthy. :0)
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Blog Hop Ornament Giveaway!!!!
Brenda over at The Rusty Thimble got a bunch of us crafters/artists together to help in spreading the Christmas cheer. One winner will win all the ornaments.... I believe there are 36 total. I know....WOW!!!! Okay....so here is how it works. You will go to each crafters blog to sign up....if you don't go to all the blogs you wont be eligible to win....so it's important that you go to each participating crafters blog. To get the full list of all the participating crafters/artists involved go to Brenda's blog (link is above in red). Now don't forget to sign up for my ornament while you're here.
Giveaway will run from November 12th-18th and the winner will be annouced November 19th.
My ornament is cross-stitched on 32ct linen with DMC threads which was stained with walnut stain.... and then the stitch was added to a moss green wool pillow which is stuffed with clean sawdust.
I hop this post finds all of you happy and healthy my friends....now go blog hoping and have some fun....good luck! :0)
Ornie Swap
Some weeks ago I signed up for a ornie swap over at Bumble Bee Lane. I'm sure most of you know I love Amy's swaps and I try to do most of them....I know I'm addicted. :0) Anyway I sent out my four ornaments (which I didn't take a picture of because my mind tends to walk away from me when I need it most....LOL) and these lovelies are what I received. I know.... can you believe it....JACK POT!!!!
It was like Christmas morning when I opened my package...I was so excited and each ornament was fantastic!!!! Starting with the top left....The cutest little black Santa, grubby eggs, and stitches are from Terry Loewen -http://threecatfarm.blogspot.com/. The beautiful snowman punch needle ornament is by Michelle Mauk- http://threecatfarm.blogspot.com/. The sweet little snowman doll is from Olde Lady Morgan-http://primitivesbyoldeladymorgan.blogspot.com/. The too cute gingerbread man and star ornaments are from Linda Gates-http://countrypickins.blogspot.com/.
I also want to mention that Amy sent me this sweet little whisk broom (she heard that I have a collection of these beauties).....isn't it so tiny and cute!!! I can't believe all the sweet treasures that came in my package. I want to thank all of these sweet ladies for making my Christmas tree this year so very special. :0)
Before I go I have to tell you that I made an ornament for Brenda's super giveaway it starts tomorrow and runs until November 18th. If you want to learn more go to her blog http://therustythimble.blogspot.com/. I hope this post finds you all well my friends. :0)
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
And The Winner Is!!!!!
First I want to thank you all for joining in the fun....I feel so lucky to have had so many entries for my first giveaway. With everyone adding as many chances to win as they could I had 97 entries....YAHOO!!!! As you can see I had a little helper.... he was the brave one to put his little hand into the spooky Halloween hat. It is rumored to be magical.... :0)
Silas thought it was fun to wave the name around so I held on to his hand to get a photo of the name he picked but still he was all motion... LOL....so with that said.... drum roll please. The winner of my Halloween giveaway is.... SUE- "WICKED FAERIE QUEEN". Congratulations Sue...I'll be contacting you soon for your mailing info. :0)
On other news I know I promised you all a few photos from "The Spirit Of Friends" show in Lucas Ohio. The show was so different from all the other shows I've been to...this one was so relaxed and easy going. It was also very family friendly. The people were incredibly nice and heartwarming. Plus the primitive artists and antiques that we saw were fabulous. As some of you know each year I choose a show I'd like to go to and we treat it as our family vacation. A lot of times we drag my best friend Holly and some times my older sister too.
In the past few years we had gone to the Ghoultide Gathering show in Michigan. It was hard not to go to that show again this year but we all agreed we needed something a little bit kinder to our wallets this year. Plus we were meeting some good friends at the show as well.
Now almost all of you know I respect and admire Stacy Nash greatly so one of the first things I did was to go to this lovely lady's table. She was so sweet to let my hubby take a photo of us together. I was so lucky to purchase one of her pieces... my first too. :0) I'm sure I acted like a groupie....LOL...but I'm sure she gets that a lot from fellow stitchers.
Here are twos photo of just one of the tents....I loved that table but there was no way to fit it in my little car. I kinda have a thing for old tables... lucky for me someone put me out of my misery and purchased it because it was marked sold...LOL.
My partner in primitive crime...Holly sitting in front of the park entrance. This was late in the day and we were ready to go back to our hotel. I'm sure you're wondering where all the bags are.... well they're in the car already.....LOL. Half way through the day we dropped off our goodies at the car so we had free hands to get into more trouble. I'm sure you can tell by Holly's smile that she had a good time getting into trouble too. :0)
I just had to take a picture of the crowd. It was a beautiful 68 degrees and sunny so everyone was out and enjoying the day.
Silas opted out of riding a real horse but he was more then willing to ride this little guy.... go little cowboy go. I wonder if he'll ever ride a real horse.
Lastly here is a picture of the farm house. I've never heard of a state park owning a farm before but I must say it was beautiful. I would go back to Malabar Farm anytime. In fact we're all thinking that our next year family vacation might just be to Malabar Farm for "The Spirit Of Friends" show again.
Before I go I must apologies for not having photos of what I purchased...some how I forgot that part but at least you got to see a little bit of this years family vacation in Ohio.
I hope this post finds you all happy and healthy my friends.
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