Friday, May 25, 2012

It's been a little while...

It's been a little while since my last post.  Things have been busy here with weed pulling and mulching our flower beds.  I must say we had let that part of our yard kinda go crazy since I got pregnant with it's been about three years since we really did a good job of it.  It's also been raining a lot so working out in the yard has been a mad dash between rain drops.  We still have about 54 bags of mulch sitting in our driveway out of the 84 we purchased.  It's been great fun for Silas though he's enjoyed playing in the mulch....we keep trying to convince him that the sand box the neighbors gave him is much more fun. 
I've also been busy making goodies for my two swap partners.... Amy over at  "Bumble Bee Lane" is hosting the swap called "Be Happy".   I managed to complete seven different projects for my partners.  I only made one of the projects for both of I spent time picking and creating different projects for each partner.  I am happy with what I've made and I hope they will too.  I'm excited too because I've got them all boxed up and ready to go out in the mail tomorrow...way ahead of the June 5th date.  I'm always afraid I wont make the due date on time....LOL.  :0)
I did manage to finish a project for myself too. This morning I put the final touches of walnut stain to my "Country Sampler Sewing Pouch" (kit by Stacy Nash). I love the way it turned camera did a okay job at taking photos but really I think it looks much better in person. I really need a new camera I'm just not happy with the five year old Nikon Coolpix. I've been told that it's most likely worn out....let's face it I've taken thousands of photos with it.  The last photo is from my iPhone using the Instagram app.   I must say it turned out nicely and I used one of their filters on the photo so maybe I just need to use my iPhone from now on....LOL.

Well I guess that's about it for now...I know not very exciting but just think the next time you visit I'll have some great swap stuff to show you. I can't wait to show you what I made and what I received as well. I hope this post finds you all happy and healthy. :0)
Hugs, Theresa


  1. Hello Theresa- Sounds like you've been busy. My flower beds need some TLC also. I just don't have the energy to go out and work in them. I have one too many and I'm thinking about down sizing them. I'm still working on your Swap items. Between work at the Nursing Home and me and my son both having sinus infections again, i have to say I'm a little behind. I will have your package ready to go sometime next week. I Love your sewing pouch. You do Beautiful work. Silus sure is adorable playing in the sandbox. I miss that age. I have 3 boys...23, 21 and 11. They grow up too fast. Take Care and Have a wonderful Memorial day Weekend!

  2. I've made slow progressions into the yard,lucky for me I have a very work a holic hubby who likes to get things done...Can't wait to see the goodies you created.I'm sure they will be beautiful.Have a great Memorial Day weekend!~Amy

  3. Hi Theresa, I am a new follower, I found you from the swap that you did with Sandi. Your creations look so adorable. Swaps are fun, aren't they. Blessings for a wonderful week. ~Sara

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hello there Theresa, I hate mispelled words... had to it's a do-over...
    Everything looks great.. and Silas it growing bigger than the weeds in my garden!!!

  6. Gosh thats pretty, I love the colors, the alphabet when you open the flap, all of it!
